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Zoey's 10 Month Update!

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

Zoey turned 10 Months a few weeks ago!!

She's walking at 10 Months

This month a lot has changed since the last month. Zoey is officially walking, She started taking her first steps last month and just like that she started walking. I thought she was going to be like my other two girls and walk at 1 but I guess she is trying to keep up with her sisters.

Height and weight

We went for Zoey's 10 month check up and Zoey is weighting 20.56 lbs and 26.5 inches length.


Zoey is still taking 2 naps a day. Not going to lie sometimes it is extremely difficult to sit there for like 30 minute and try to put her to sleep but I know if I don't do it its going to be a moody day not only for Zoey but for mommy as well. She always gets extremely fussy when she does not nap during the day. At night Zoey sleeps the whole night, I try to have her in bed by 8:30- 9 pm and she wakes up in the morning around 8:30 am which is amazing. One thing she does is that when her pacifier falls out of her mouth in the middle of the night she will have a fit if she can not get ahold of it. She probably does that a least 3 times at night. Let me know if any of you had this experience with your baby and what has helped?


Zoey has her bottle of milk in the morning as soon as she wakes up. Then I give her a bowl of oatmeal which she loves for breakfast or I will add some bananas to it. I also give her some toast for breakfast and she loves it. Last month I gave Zoey eggs and she loved it, but for some reason about a week ago I gave it to her for the second time and she developed a rash all around her mouth which freaked me out. I called the doctor and she told me to give her some Benadryl. I thought it was so strange since I had given her eggs already and have never developed a rash. I guess she came out like her big sister. She is also allergic to eggs. Around 12 pm I give her, her lunch which is usually homemade puree my mom makes her which has beef, chicken or turkey mixed with veggies. I do a mix she has puree and she always has solid foods. Around 3:30 pm Zoey will have another bottle of milk she usually drinks 8 oz. Then for dinner she will have either chicken, beef, or turkey with some veggies. Before bedtime she drink another 8 oz of milk. She is an awesome eater. So far I have not found one thing she does not like.


Zoey has been teething like crazy. She has 5 teeth already. She gets so cranky and starts putting her fingers and hands on her mouth to help soothe her. I have bought her so many teethers, and they have been helping her out so much. There is a couple of teethers that have helped her a lot but her favorite which I have talked about in my YouTube channel is the baby banana. I purchased it in Target. It has been amazing, it is truly her go to teether. Below I will list the teethers I use for my baby in case you are interested.

Likes & Dislikes

Zoey loves to dance and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Zoey does not like having her diaper changed. I don't know about all of you mommas out there but does your babies hate having their diapers changed? I literally have to give my baby my phone in order to keep her entertained. LOL

She loves phones, loves cruising around the house and just being curious touching everything in sight. Which is literally driving me crazy. I have baby proofed the entire house and she still finds things she can get into. My other two daughter were definitely not this curious.

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